Wednesday, December 1, 2010


sorry I had to sort of outline the summary!

Topic #1: Jasmine Predicted the use of third person and then Kristel questioned the use of third person. Why Do you think that Gould is ashamed in the cases in which he uses the third person, even though there are times when he is doing much worse things than when he uses the third person? What message do you think the author is trying to send by doing this?

Suggestions INCLUDE

  • pg 289 tells us why he uses the 3rd person
  • Kristel wants to know if hes trying to validate that he was a different person when he is sleeping with sleeping with Mrs. Gottliebsen so that he is technically cheating on Two penny sal.


  • explicit sex scene with Two Penny Sal
  • Act of hooking up with Mrs. Gottliebsen


  • Cheating on Two penny Sal
  • Inability to decided surgeons's bones
  • Vomiting from drinking too much

  • Jasmine says that he is ashamed and I trying to separate him separate himself as well she uses the example on pg. 241, when he doesn’t know what to do with the bones, pg 201 trying to climb a social ladder of prisoners, then pg. 191 hes talking about how trapped he is,
    • Unclaim: Situations were his situation is skrewed and/or he doesn’t know what to do or his emotions are getting the best of him,( when he couldn’t get it up with Mrs. Gotteliebsen)
  • Tate thinks Flannagan is trying to show that Gould is going insane
    • Transitioning
    • Symptom is using third person (Sarah Leonard)
  • Method to keep his insanity (morgan Parks)
    • Pg 173

Topic #2 How is Gould still alive after being in such filthy disease ritten settings. The dead body, feces, no food etc. Why do you think

Topic #3 The reality of history, how real is history, what does Gaouls Say about this in your opinion? Roman can explain more about this thought.

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